Does insurance cover mechanical problems in cars?


When it comes to car ownership, unexpected repairs can be a costly affair, especially if they involve mechanical issues. This raises an important question for many car owners: does insurance cover mechanical problems in cars? In this detailed guide, we'll explore the intricacies of car insurance, the types of coverage available, and whether they extend to mechanical problems. We'll also look into how extended warranties can help, and what you can do to protect yourself from unexpected mechanical failures.

What is Car Insurance?

Car insurance is essentially a contract between you and an insurance company where you pay a premium, and in return, the company promises to cover specific financial risks associated with owning and operating your car according to the terms of the policy.

Comprehensive vs. Third Party

Comprehensive Insurance: Covers damage to your vehicle caused by accidents, theft, weather events, and other covered losses. It is more expensive but offers broader protection.
Third Party Insurance: This is often the minimum required by law and covers damage you might cause to other people's property or their injuries but does not cover your own vehicle.

Mechanical Problems Defined

Understanding what constitutes a mechanical problem is key to discerning whether it is covered by insurance.

What Counts as a Mechanical Problem?

Mechanical problems refer to issues that arise in the engine, transmission, brakes, and other internal parts that affect the functionality of the vehicle.

Common Mechanical Failures in Cars

Common issues include engine failure, transmission lock-up, and electrical malfunctions. These can be due to wear and tear, poor maintenance, or inherent mechanical faults.

Insurance Coverage

Let's delve into whether typical car insurance policies cover these mechanical issues.

Standard Coverage for Mechanical Problems

Most standard car insurance policies do not cover mechanical failures unless they are a direct result of a covered incident, such as an accident.

Limitations and Exclusions

It's crucial to read the fine print of your policy to understand what is excluded, which commonly includes degradation from wear and tear or mechanical failures due to aging.

Extended Warranties

An extended warranty might be the solution for coverage on mechanical issues not included in standard insurance policies.

Definition and How They Complement Insurance

Extended warranties are service contracts that cover certain repairs and problems after the manufacturer’s warranty expires.

What Do They Cover?

These warranties typically cover major mechanical issues and are customizable according to the needs and the age of the vehicle.

Factors Affecting Coverage

Certain factors can influence whether your mechanical issues are covered by insurance or warranties.

Age of the Car

Older cars might be excluded from certain types of coverage due to higher risk of mechanical failures.


Vehicles with high mileage may also be excluded from coverage as they are more likely to have issues.

Maintenance History

A well-documented history of regular maintenance can favor your chances of coverage as it shows diligent upkeep.

How to Claim

Knowing how to claim insurance for mechanical issues is crucial.
Steps to File a Claim for Mechanical Issues:
  1. Contact your insurance provider immediately.
  2. Document the issue with photographs and mechanic’s reports.
  3. Submit the required documents as per your insurance company’s guidelines.
  4. Documentation Needed
  5. Keep all receipts and records of services and repairs as they might be necessary for your claim.

Preventing Mechanical Issues

Preventative measures are key to reducing the likelihood of mechanical failures.

Regular Maintenance Tips

Regular checks and timely repairs are essential, including oil changes, brake checks, and tire rotations.

Importance of Timely Repairs

Addressing issues as they arise can prevent larger, more expensive problems in the future.


  • What is the difference between car insurance and an extended warranty?
Car insurance covers accidental damage and liability, while an extended warranty covers specific mechanical failures outside of accidents.
  • Can I get coverage for an older vehicle with high mileage?
Coverage options vary by provider, but many have restrictions on age and mileage.
  • How can I ensure my mechanical issue is covered?
Maintain a good service record and choose comprehensive insurance or an extended warranty that includes mechanical breakdowns.
  • What should I do if my insurance denies a claim for a mechanical issue?
Review your policy to understand the reasons and consider appealing the decision with additional documentation.
  • Are there any insurance plans specifically for mechanical issues?
Some insurers offer mechanical breakdown insurance as an add-on or separate policy.


While standard car insurance does not typically cover mechanical failures unless directly caused by an insured event, extended warranties can provide the additional coverage needed for peace of mind. Understanding your insurance policy and maintaining your vehicle can help manage and potentially avoid the financial stress of mechanical issues.